Cambridge Teacher Training and Development
About Language
Teachers of English need not only to have a good productive command of the language; they also need to know a good deal about the way the language works. This book asks: 'What is it that a teacher needs to know about English in order to teach it effectively?' It leads teachers to awareness of the language through a wide range of tasks which involve them in analysing English to discover its underlying system. The book consists of 28 units, each containing around ten tasks, plus a diagnostic introductory unit. Units start at phoneme level and progress through words, phrases and sentences on to complete texts. Task-types include recognition, categorisation, matching, explanation, and application tasks. Throughout the book, the language is illustrated wherever possible from authentic sources, so that the teacher can be sure that the English being studied represents current usage.
A Course in English Language Teaching
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to English language teaching, and is suitable for teachers in a variety of educational settings, including compulsory education. It has been completely revised and updated to include essential new topics for the modern English language teacher, including English as an international language, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and using digital materials. It is ideal for initial teacher training and as a reference guide for practising teachers. The book combines theory and practice, with each unit containing tasks that encourage reflection and discussion, plus action tasks such as classroom observation and practice.
A Course in Language Teaching
This important course provides a comprehensive basic introduction to teaching languages, for use in pre-service or early experience settings. It can be used by groups of teachers working with a trainer, or as a self-study resource. The Trainee's Book provides all the tasks given in the main book but without background information, bibliographies, notes or solutions. It is suitable for those studying on a trainer-led course, where feedback is readily available.
A Course in Language Teaching
This important course provides a comprehensive basic introduction to teaching languages, for use in pre-service or early experience settings. It can be used by groups of teachers working with a trainer, or as a self-study resource. The Trainee's Book provides all the tasks given in the main book but without background information, bibliographies, notes or solutions. It is suitable for those studying on a trainer-led course, where feedback is readily available.
Advising and Supporting Teachers
Mick Randall, with Barbara Thornton
This book is aimed at all those responsible for advising teachers including teaching practice supervisors, mentors, INSET tutors, state education inspectors, directors of studies, and teachers working together as 'critical friends' in informal teacher development.
Alive to Language
Valerie Arndt, Paul Harvey and John Nuttall
Alive to Language encourages teachers to question and extend their knowledge of how language works by examining the concepts of language-in-use and associated systems, language variety, change, and the interaction between language and power.
Classroom Observation Tasks
Classroom Observation Tasks shows how to use observation to learn about language teaching. It does this by providing a range of tasks which guide the user through the process of observing, analysing and reflecting, and which develop the skills of observation. It contains a bank of 35 structured tasks which are grouped into seven areas of focus: the learner, the language, the learning process, the lesson, teaching skills and strategies, classroom management, and materials and resources. This book is suitable for teachers, trainee teachers, teacher trainers and others involved in school-based teacher support, teacher development and trainer training. It has a comprehensive introduction to the tasks and a rationale covering the theoretical issues involved and places the responsibility for professional growth in the hands of the teacher.
English for the Teacher
English for the Teacher is a course which enables teachers to improve their language ability for a number of purposes - using English in the classroom, making professional contacts, reading about the teaching of English and discussions with colleagues and students. As well as providing language practice for the four skills, it also invites teachers to comment on the learning value of what they are doing and thus discuss and reflect on different ways of teaching and learning. In this way, it provides opportunities for more general professional development. * A short Introduction for users explains the basic principles underlying the material. * Each unit focuses on a theme from the world of teaching. * Notes for Trainers give guidance on appropriate classroom methodology. * Guidance is provided for self-study use.
Literature and Language Teaching
Literature and Language Teaching is for teachers and trainers who want to incorporate literature into the language classroom. It is suitable for teacher trainers, teacher development groups or teachers working on their own. This book contains tasks and activities which encourage reflection on some of the issues and debates involved in using literature in the language classroom and explore different approaches to using literature with teenage and adult learners at all levels. It suggests criteria for selecting and evaluating materials for classroom use and identifies some of the distinctive features of novels, short stories, poems and plays so that these can be successfully exploited in the classroom. A wide range of practical ideas and activities for developing materials is provided. Tasks also encourage the observation and assessment of lessons using literacy texts, and draw on English language material by a variety of authors from all over the world.
Looking at Language Classrooms
Andrew Bampfield, Diana Lubelska and Margaret Matthews
Pre/in-service teacher training
Looking at Language Classrooms is a video teacher development package. It presents a range of authentic language classrooms recorded on location - not in studios - showing classes carrying out their normal activities with their regular teachers. There are four video cassettes in the package, each containing around 60 minutes of material. Each cassette consists of one complete lesson (shortened slightly in editing), and one or more extracts from other lessons. Full print support material is included, with photocopiable worksheets to be used with each sequence, trainer's notes, and transcripts of the lessons.
Mentor Courses
Angi Malderez and Caroline Bodóczky
This experiential approach to mentoring offers a range of activities for exploring the roles and duties of mentors and for practising the skills required to support the development of learner-teachers.
Tasks for Language Teachers
This practical resource for teacher trainers and teachers of English and other languages provides task material for training seminars and development groups. The topics are wide-ranging - from the nature and processes of language learning to specific materials and techniques for use by teachers. The tasks are designed to stimulate meaningful discussion of issues related to language teaching and learning. It contains 40 tasks, of two types. The 'Discussion Tasks' are designed to allow users to examine general principles and issues in the context of their specific teaching circumstances, and to exchange ideas. The 'Classroom-based Tasks' provide users with a practical framework for small-scale classroom research - testing out ideas, assumptions and hypotheses in the context of their own classes and learners. In course situations where it is not possible for each participant to have a copy, the trainer may photocopy relevant pages for use by the participants.
Teachers in Action
The book provides a flexible framework for helping teachers on in-service education and development programmes to investigate topics in their classrooms that are relevant to them. It also offers a wealth of ideas and activities, designed to help them develop professional knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Teaching Children English
David Vale, with Anne Feunteun
Teaching Children English focuses on an activity-based approach to teaching young learners aged seven years and over. It examines the educational and linguistic needs of children and provides an overview of appropriate classroom techniques. It highlights the importance of effective classroom management and organisation and supports teachers in the management of classroom resources. It provides extensive practice in lesson planning in terms of language aims. There are ten chapters each dealing with a specific aspect of teaching methodology and classroom practice. Each chapter has a theme-based approach for the task content and includes stories, rhymes, songs, practical tasks and language tasks. Methodology and classroom practice issues are related to these themes - examples include festivals, animals, storytelling and measuring.
Training Foreign Language Teachers
Training Foreign Language Teachers is aimed at anyone in the area of foreign language teaching who is engaged in designing, running or taking part in teacher education programmes. It begins by examining some current models of teacher education. It goes on to describe the notion of the teacher as 'reflective practitioner' - someone who reflects on the practice of their profession as a way of developing their expertise in it. Training Foreign Language Teachers explores ways in which a reflective approach can be applied to many areas of the teacher education programme, including: * classroom observation * microteaching * design and assesment of teacher education programmes. It contains many suggestions for practical work and discussion, and numerous applications to actual situations, including an extended case-study.