政府立法网站,澳移民部长Chris Bowen在6.28日签署了最新的技术职业清单(Skilled Occupation List, “SOL”)“整合担保职业清单”(Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List, “CSOL”)。
1). SOL用于新的独立技术移民189签证、亲属担保技术移民190和489、临居TR485签证和年底取消的487、885、886签证;
2). CSOL用于所有担保类签证,包括
A. 雇主提名签证(ENS)186,和RMSM偏远地区担保的187签证;
B. 457工作签证;
C. 其它由州或领地政府担保的普通技术移民签证,如886、190、489签证。
Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights
Prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011
Skilled Occupation List Legislative Instrument
This Legislative Instrument is compatible with the human rights and freedoms recognised or declared in the international instruments listed in section 3 of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011.
Overview of the Skilled Occupation List Legislative Instrument
A new instrument is required to legislate the annual revised Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and to introduce the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List, which will replace three sponsored occupation lists currently in effect.
This instrument will come into effect on 1 July 2012 and will apply to people who make an application for skilled migration on or after this date. Applicants for most General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa subclasses must nominate a skilled occupation from the Skilled Occupation List and have a relevant assessing authority assesses their skills in the nominated occupation.
For GSM, the instrument will provide for applicants for current onshore visa subclasses, 885, 886 and 487, which are available until 31 December 2012 and for the new GSM visa subclasses, 189, 190 and 489. It will also provide for subclass 485.
The new instrument also helps give effect to the reforms to the Employer Nominated Scheme and the Government’s commitment to the visa simplification and deregulation agenda. From 1 July 2012, one consolidated sponsored occupation list will replace the three occupation lists currently in operation, which are the Employer Nomination Skilled Occupation List, the State and Territory Sponsored Occupation List and the 457 and 442 list. It will provide for subclass 186 applicants who apply for this visa via the Direct Entry stream, which relates to applicants who do not satisfy the prerequisite for making an application under the Temporary Residence Transition Stream and are not nominated under a permanent labour agreement.
Human rights implications
This Skilled Occupation List Legislative Instrument does not engage any of the applicable rights or freedoms.
The proposed Legislative Instrument is compatible with human rights and does not introduce any new or unacceptable limits on human rights.
2393 Teachers of English to speakers of other languages 英语作为第二外语教学的英语教师
2411 Early childhood (pre-primary school) teachers 学前教师(幼儿园)(需持有教师证并通过约45天的实习)
2412 Primary school teachers 小学教师(需持有教师证并通过约45天的实习)
2413 Middle school teachers 中等学校教师
2414 Secondary school teachers 中学教师(需持有2门学科的教师证并通过大约45天的实习)
2415 Special education teachers 特殊教育老师
2421 University lecturers and tutors 大学讲师和辅导员