● 课程的设计很棒,国外的教授跟国内的教授授课方式完全不同。我们在这次培训中所学的所有课程会使我们更轻松的解决以后教学中出现的问题。学习到的TESOL教学法在今后的教学实践中给了我一盏指明灯。今后应该在中国多做这样的培训,使中国的老师跳出传统的英语教学模式。
● 课程很好的融合了教学理论、更加重视实践和评估。传授如何设计课程、教案、课堂活动开展,对于一个毫无经验的我来说收益匪浅。
● 在这次培训过程中,每一个人都可以分享自己的教学经验。我不光学到了如何去教学更从导师那里学到了师德与热情。这套课程确实开阔了我的视野,实用、有效,中国的老师也完全可以接受,很灵活。
● 我喜欢这样的课程设计,每周安排一种课程可以让我更容易集中精力。我学到了最新的评估学生能力的方法。
● 当我们来参加此项目之前,只抱着学到一些新东西的想法,可今天课程结束的时候我们心中都明白,在这里所收获的远超出预计的设想,不仅仅是一点知识而已!这次培训将翻开我们教学生涯中的崭新的一页,我们永远忘不了。
● I found the content very interesting and really enjoyed learning about different teaching styles and techniques that I will definitely take back with me to the classroom. I thought the week was organized well and appreciated tutor’s flexibility with our questions and concerns.
● The content was very informative and provided many ideas that I hope I can use through my career as a Teacher. All trainers were excellent and provided much detail and experience that can be used.
● Very informative and helpful. The trainer was excellent with lots of helpful ideas and an interesting way of putting across the material. The arrangement of the class was very good. My overall impression is that the course was very worthwhile, informative, instructive and inspiring.