7月22日上午,2018 TESOL中国大会在上海外国语大学圆满闭幕。闭幕式上,大会组委会隆重发布了《2018 TESOL中国大会上海宣言》(以下简称《宣言》)。
《宣言》发布前,组委会特请上海外国语大学教授、中国外语战略研究中心学术委员会主任梅德明作了起草说明。梅教授指出,《宣言》是对2018 TESOL中国大会成功举办成果的最好总结。他还特别提到,在《宣言》为期两个多月的起草过程中,许多中国英语教育的权威专家提出了宝贵的修改意见,其中包括我国英语教育界泰斗、年逾九旬的北京外国语大学陈琳教授。
随后,《宣言》正式发布,并采取了别具一格的扫码发布的形式。在现场听众的热情助力下,《宣言》很快解锁。伴随着悠扬的音乐、典雅的中国风水墨画面,一幅卷轴在屏幕上徐徐展开,中英文版本的《2018 TESOL中国大会上海宣言》第一次呈现在全场听众的面前: 我们,来自中国和世界各地的英语教育工作者,相聚在上海,围绕“新时代背景下的中国英语教育”这一主题展开交流,决心采取更加有力和持续的共同行动,为中国英语教育事业注入新活力与新动力。
We, together with English language educators from China and across the world, are gathered in Shanghai under the theme “English Education in China: Striding into a New Era”. We are determined to take more energetic and sustainable joint action to inject fresh vigor and impetus into English education in China.
With socialism with Chinese characteristics having entered a new era, it is necessary to improve our ability to participate in global governance, adapt to the “Belt and Road” Initiative and meet the requirements of building with joint efforts a community with a shared future for mankind. A large number of professionals are needed for this, professionals with passion, a global perspective, the skilled use of foreign languages, knowledge of international rules and expertise in international negotiations. Foreign language ability, especially English language ability, is a key competency required of such international talents.
Since the beginning of this year, China’s Ministry of Education has issued a number of programmatic documents, such as The Curriculum Framework for General Senior High Schools (2017 edition), English Curriculum Standards for General Senior High Schools (2017 edition), National Teaching Quality Standards for Undergraduate in General Colleges and Universities, and China’s Standards of English Language Ability. These educational documents are a blueprint for the direction of China’s English education in the new era.
Grounded in China’s national conditions and current situation, and motivated by the needs of modern development, we are gathered here to engage in full-fledged seminars to learn about the characteristics and requirements of Chinese EFL learners, to carry out in-depth investigations into the status quo of English education in China, and to explore the theoretical mode and practical approach of China’s English education in the new era.
We recognize that China’s English education in the new era aims to achieve not only language goals, but also cultural goals, and more importantly, to achieve the moral goal of fostering virtue through education. Therefore, the coordinated development of these goals is of particular importance. The mission of China’s English education in the new era requires English teachers to meet higher standards for professional quality, subject knowledge and teaching competence, so as to ensure reform programs in English teaching are implemented. In this light, we promise to jointly undertake the following actions:
1. 坚持立德树人的目标引导,体现社会主义核心价值观。促进学习者语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养的发展。其中,语言能力是基础要素,文化意识是价值取向,思维品质是心智特征,学习能力是发展条件,四要素相互渗透,融合互动,协调发展,共同服务于英语课程总目标。
We will adhere to the goal of fostering virtue through education, work to reflect core socialist values, and promote development of learners’ integrated English key competencies, namely, language proficiency, cultural consciousness, thinking quality and learning ability -- more commonly known as English subject core literacy. Of these four key competencies, language proficiency is fundamental to linguistic development, cultural consciousness is orientational in the development of one’s values, thinking quality is essential in intellectual growth, and last but not least, learning ability is the prerequisite of linguistic, cultural and intellectual development. These four key competencies grow in an integrated and interactive manner, mutually influencing and promoting one another, all serving the general goal of China’s English education clearly spelt out in the English Curriculum Standards: English education for the mission of bringing out young talents with Chinese passion, international vision and cross-cultural communicative action.
2. 引导学生在英语学习过程中树立跨文化意识和人类命运共同体意识。领悟世界文化的多样性、丰富性以及民心相通的重要性,坚定文化自信,形成正确的价值观、健康的审美情趣和道德情感,学会用所学英语讲述中国故事、传播中国优秀文化。
We will guide students in their process of English learning to raise their cross-cultural awareness and establish consciousness of the community with a shared human destiny. They will appreciate the diversity and richness of world cultures, recognize the importance of people-to-people connections, and build stronger cultural confidence. They will imbibe correct values, healthy aesthetic taste and an improved sense of morality. They will learn to use English to tell stories about China and communicate with the rest of the world about fine Chinese culture.
3. 打造“一条龙外语教育模式”。通过从小学到大学的外语教学中实现教育理念、课程理念、教学目标、课程设计、教学方法、评价体系、教师培训、教材与教学资源等方面的“一条龙”,解决我国外语教育学段脱节的弊端,促进中国外语教育的健康发展。
We will create what is known as the “streamlined model for foreign language education”. This model aims to coordinate exertions from elementary to tertiary education and synchronize the efforts of varied fields in terms of educational and curriculum philosophy, teaching objectives, curriculum design, pedagogy, assessment, teacher training, textbook development and teaching resources. It is believed that the proposed streamlined model for foreign language education in China will overcome many drawbacks consequent of the current disconnected school segments and facilitate the healthy development of foreign language education in China.
4. 推广英语分级阅读,培养英语阅读素养。根据不同年龄段学习者的认知发展程度和英语能力水平为其提供科学的阅读方法和阅读计划,提供有科学性和针对性的读物,培养学习者的外语阅读习惯,提升外语阅读体验,在持续阅读过程中逐步提高英语阅读素养。
We will promote graded English reading to foster English reading literacy. Consistent with and appropriate to the varied levels of cognitive development and English proficiency of learners in different age groups, methodical reading methods and plans will be projected, and tailored readings will be provided. Efforts will be made to reinforce learners’ appropriate foreign language reading habits, enhance foreign language reading experience, and improve English reading literacy in a step-by-step manner in the process of continuous reading.
5. 推进外语教育信息化进程。利用先进的科学技术丰富教学手段,创新教学模式,均衡教育资源,提升教学水平,依托“互联网+”重构兼具适切性和有效性的外语教学新范式,促进中国外语教育的现代化。
We will facilitate the information and communications technology process of foreign language education, employ advanced scientific and technological resources to enrich teaching means, innovate teaching modes, balance the distribution of educational resources and improve teaching excellence. Drawing on the model within the “internet plus” framework, we will usher in a new foreign-language teaching paradigm, which should be characteristically appropriate and effective, and promote the modernization of foreign language education in China.
6. 加强外语教师教育。以外语教师的发展为本,从外语教师的专业化出发,研究构成外语教师专业化的基本素质,探索有效的教师培养和培训模式,开发多元的教学评价体系,全方位探索和创建和谐、进取、多赢的教师发展生态环境。
We will promote foreign language teacher education. Taking foreign language teachers’ development as a primary consideration and professionalization as the orientation, we will study and learn about what constitutes the crucial qualities of professional foreign language teachers, search for effective teacher training programs and models, develop a pluralistic system of teaching evaluation, and create a harmonious, enterprising and win-win environment of educational ecology for teacher development.
7. 促进教育公平,让青少年共享人生出彩的机会。整合各种教育资源,加大对欠发达地区英语教育的支持力度,努力让每个孩子享有公平而有质量的英语教育,让人民群众共享中国改革发展成果。
We will promote fairness in education and allow young people to share opportunities for a brilliant life. We will integrate various educational resources, increase support for English education in less-developed areas, and ensure every child of fair and quality English education, so that people may share the achievements of China’s reform and development.
8. 促进中国英语教育与国际广泛交流。学习、借鉴其他国家先进的英语教育理念、教学方法、评价方式及教师培养模式,加强同国际英语教育界的交流与互动,全面提升中国英语教育的国际化水平,建立符合中国国情、具有中国特色和国际水准的英语教育体系。
We will update China’s English education to international standards and practice, learn from and draw on pioneering ideas and models in English education, pedagogy, assessment and teacher training. We will strengthen exchanges and interaction with international English education circles, promote an all-round development of China’s English education in line with international levels, and establish a system of English education which aligns with China’s national conditions, integrates Chinese characteristics and meets international standards.
Let us work together to enhance dialogue and exchanges in the international community of English education and promote the systematic, holistic and synergistic development of English education, therefore ushering in a new era of English education in China.