Come to the Beijing America Center to hear President-Elect Andy Curtis share his thoughts on critical thinking in academic writing. His talk follows the first presentation of the tutors from the RELO Writing Center.
欢迎光临北京美国中心,TESOL国际协会候任主席Andy Curtis先生会与大家分享他对学术写作中批判性思维的一些见解。RELO(美国驻华使馆区域英语语言办公室)“写作中心”的辅导老师们做完第一场讲座后,Curtis博士的讲座会紧随其后进行。
When: 16:45 – 17:45, May 16, 2014
时间: 2014年5月16日 下午16:45-17:45 pm
Where: Beijing American Center. We are located on the 28th floor of Jingguang Center, at Hujialou in Chaoyang District, Beijing.
地点: 北京美国中心。 北京市朝阳区,呼家楼,京广中心28层
Title: Developing English Language Writing and Thinking Skills in a Writing Center
主题:在 “写作中心”提高你的英文写作技巧及英语思维
Abstract: Dr. Curtis will focus on developing argumentative or persuasive academic writing skills in English, which relates to notions of ‘critical thinking’. Developing such skills in a Writing Center can be very different from doing so in a regular writing class. For example, writing center work is usually individualized and immediate, one-to-one and face-to-face. This changes the dynamic of the interactions between the teacher and the student in a number of important and significant ways. The second part of his talk will, then, focus on the lessons he has learned over the last 20 years, as an English language teacher of academic writing at the university level, and from his experiences of creating a new Writing Center for the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
摘要:Curtis博士会围绕辩证思维的概念,给大家讲述英文辩论性写作及说服性写作技巧。通过RELO “写作中心”来发展这些写作技巧,会与常规写作课程大不相同。比如, “写作中心”是个性化的现场面对面,一对一的即时指导,这在很多方面优化了师生之间的互动。讲座的第二部分Curtis博士侧重于介绍他过去20年来,作为大学学术英语写作老师,以及作为香港中文大学写作中心的创立人,所收获的宝贵经验。
Bio: Dr. Andy Curtis is a Professor in the School of Graduate Education at Anaheim University, California. He received his M.A. in Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, and his Ph.D. in International Education, both from the University of York in England. From 2007 to 2011, Dr. Curtis was the Director of the English Language Teaching Unit at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Professor in the Faculty of Education at CUHK. Dr. Curtis was recently elected to be the President of the TESOL International Association, from 2015 to 2016, and he is currently President-Elect. Over the last 20 years, he has published around 100 articles, book chapters and books, and presented to around 25,000 teachers in 50 countries, in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, as well as North, South and Central America. He is based in Ontario, Canada.
主讲人介绍:Andy Curtis博士是美国加州阿纳海姆大学,研究生教育学院的教授。
You will need a valid picture ID to access the Beijing American Center and also the RELO Writing Center.